
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My photos on the web - without my permission

Not a happy post today I’m afraid.
It has come to my attention that my photos are being stolen and used around the web without my knowledge or approval.

Don't ever think that the photos you take are not good enough. One day you will find your pictures on othe websites, just like I did. And it hurts.

Images are an important aspect of blogging. If you're placing your photographs on the Internet, you'll want to make sure you protect your rights to those images. I learned my lesson. Unfortunately we learn from our mistakes. I will copyright my photos, I will watermark them I will do whatever it takes. I am not a pro, but I love to take pictures and I don’t want anybody to use them without my permission.

I have 3 blogs, one of them is Scarsdale Diet Recipes. Pictures from my blog are on different sites.

Here is my post:

Here is one website that used my photo:
Another website is
It is easy to steal a photo to rotate it to crop it and to post it on your blog. That doesn't make it yours. 
I took those photos and it drives me crazy to see them on somebody elses site.
So I now need to rethink what I’m doing, and whether to keep doing the blog or not. I didn’t post anything for a while because I was sad and upset. I am sure many of you are working hard to prepare the material for a blog. Me too. I prepare all the food, I take the photos, I spend time writing the recipes and when I find my photos on websites or blogs without my permission, well it hurts. And they don’t even bother to give me credit for my work with a link to my blog.

I don’t mind that my photos be shared as long as I am credited, but I have not been credited.

I will contact everyone and I will ask for the photos to be taken down or to mention my blog by posting a link with my blog.


Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.

Thanks. Anita


  1. I've heard of this happening to many bloggers. How did you find out? I am wary everytime I post a snap. Don't stop blogging. Your plan of action seems the right way to tackle this, and do post about it, listing the rogue sites. Hope it goes well

    1. Tisa, Thank you for the comment. How I found out..... my brother told me he saw a photo online that looks a lot like one of my photo from my blog. I asked him to send me the link and he was right. The photo looked exactely like mine, because it was mine. That was a shock for me. Than I started to look around and I found more. How can people do this? It is not that hard to pick up a camera and take a photo. Why do they steal my work? Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot.

  2. Hi Anita, my sis's blog photos were stolen too. She did the same as you. She watermarked all her photos and put in a clause in her blog to seek her permission if anyone is interested to use her photos. This is unacceptable and I know how you feel. I'd be fuming mad too if anyone took mine and take it as theirs. They should learn about ethics.

    1. I just don't get it. Why can't they just take some photos, select the best shot and then upload it? Ohhh, I know why. Because it is easy to google some images and to copy a recipe from the web. This way in 2 minutes they have a great recipe and a great photo to post on their website or blog. Hmmmm. Not good. I guess your sister felt the same way. Was she upset about it? I bet she was. Thanks for the comment. It means a lot to me.

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  4. Hi Anita, very sad to hear what had happened! I know how it would hurt you..this had happened to me too..I saw my picture in a famous tamil fortnightly! watermarking doesn't alone solve the problem..They are very smart enough to remove those watermarks!Hey,plz don't stop blogging..shoot a very strong mail to them.

    1. Did they remove your photos from their website? I hope yes. I know they can remove watermarks, they can do anything now using the computer. I will try to get back on my feet and write them, hopefully they will remove my pictures from their sites. Your kind comment and encouraging words mean really a lot to me.

  5. So sorry to hear it :(

    Keep on blogging, but definitely send a strongly worded email! They should take the pictures down at your request (or give credit at the very least)

    1. Holly, thank you for the comment. I will send each a "nice" e-mail and I realy hope they will remove my pictures from their websites. I am afraid I will find more photos and that will just kill me. I will post update with the actions I take and with the results. Wish me luck.

  6. Oh my goodness, I know just how you feel. I hope those people have already removed your pictures from their websites.

    1. Chef_d, I will write them this week and I hope they will understand that stealing photos is not nice and they have to remove those photos from their websites or blogs. I would never do this. Thanks for the comment. Keep you updated.

  7. This is terrible, my friends keep telling me to add a watermark on all my photos to prevent something like this from happening. But once I post the photos on my blog, it's all over the net. My photos come up in google and bing's image search, and a watermark won't stop them from grabbing the photo. And it's almost impossible to monitor the web. If you do find any unauthorized use of your photos, I think the best option is to send them an e-mail immediately. I really wish I could be of more help...

  8. I can imagine how pissed off you were when you discovered others stealing your photos, I would too! I have scrolled down your past posts and the Manitou cake caught my eye! Looks delicious!

  9. Te doy todo mi apoyo es algo totalmente desgraciado el tema de fotos robadas ,hay que asegurarlas es lo mejor saludos y abrazos.

    1. Rosita thank you for the comment. I know it is very sad what is happening. People just don't care about our work and our feelings. We have to protect what's ours. I learnd my lesson.


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